Thursday, April 12, 2012

School started!

Finally, the school started!
Looking back at my Feb, I was having a severe homesick when i came back from Malaysia.
But now, everything started to move. I've got no time to be bothered by the homesick. Though i still wanna go home asap ><

hmm... lets report the courses im taking and all the jobs im involved with in this semester.

Quarter 1:
Social psycology
Japanese traditional art (flower arrangement)
Asia Pacific religion

Quarter 2 :
International Security & Politics
Multiculturalism and society

Semester :
Introduction to research method
Korean 3
Kumon special lecture

Session :
Peer leader training

TA :
Workshop 1
Computer literacy

other jobs :  SA, RA, cafeteria part time.

Activities : planning to participate Chinese Week, Vietnamese Week, Indonesian Week, and Chinese dance show.

So see you in the class if you're taking the same course with me ^^

Particularly wanna talk about the Kumon special lecture.
It's a special lecture in accordance with Kumon company. They sent their staffs to APU and teach us how to manage a Kumon style education.
11 of us were chosen in this course. Heard that many people failed the application.

at first, i thought it was gonna be a class that we can learn about teaching psychology or something.but it turned out that the class is actually a TA training. only the difference that we are getting 2 credits for being a TA of Kumon.

I still haven't experienced any excitement in doing this course so far because first, the training is soooo japanese style that the instructor always mention about Shakaijin (an adult in the society). Your behavior is being observed in this course. It's just like another RA stuff but less international and more Shakaijin brain washing.

Personally, i dont like the Shakaijin style teaching because i believe we are not living others' lives. We should have our own right to choose the way to live. but the instructor is telling me to live like others do. to become a Shakaijin that everyone has the same standards, manners, skills.
Anyway, though i dont like it, i still will consider it as an experience and try to learn the way how japanese society works.

RA life is getting exciting because i have a group of warm people in my team ;)
Thanks again for everything W/C building.

As usual, RA's schedule is busy! I think in APU, only RA will require you to participate in several different teams and work on several projects at the same time. Im doing Education team, World festival PR team, and Buffet Party performance team which we have done it.
Imagine 1 team will need you to hold an at-least-1 hour meeting once a week, 3 teams we need 3 meetings + RA's regular meeting every tuesday + Floor meeting once a month.

Every RA should be respected for their workloads i think. We sacrifice our private times for AP house without getting monetary incentives which is equivalent to our workloads.  
Though it's tough, it's fun. I had had a bad image within RA organization last semester because of my carelessness, forgetfulness, absent mind and etc. it wasn't that i'm an asshole who doesn't cooperate or not good at working with a team. It was because i didnt like the team.

But this semester, i love RA. I would do everything that the team asked me to, because im happy with that.
It reminds me of the lecture i got from a professor about leadership.

Saying that leadership consists of 2 function

Performance function & Maintenance Function.

P = to focus on the outcome and result. 

M = to focus on the team management. 

A good leader should be PM, which means taking a good balance between performance and maintenance.
However, a PM leader is not easy to become.
a Pm or pM leader is more likely to be seen in most organizations.

According to the research, the good leadership order should be following:

Short term :  PM >Pm > pM > pm

Long term : PM > pM -> Pm > pm

What i m trying to say here is that , If you are trying to focus more on performance but neglecting the maintenance of team, your leadership is likely to see the down soon as a hardworking team without any team  activities is discouraged.

RA of this semester put more focus on maintenance function. and I'm a person who likes M more.
That's why im very happy to work with the RA in this sem ;)
Of course, thought we strengthened the M, we should keep P going well too.
Enjoy the life after getting our jobs done seems to be the motto of this sem.
Ganbatte guys ;)

Sunday, April 1, 2012


AP house又开始朝气蓬勃~一堆日本人外国人入居AP house

新生来了就去接待,介绍AP house等等


昨天办了一个Welcome Party 欢迎W/C栋的新成员
来自世界各地的,有本科生有研究生,我们W/C栋就是比别人栋多了一种跨越年龄的特征 :)

我又担当了MC 主持人,化身为疯狂搞笑主持人~
尤其是最后玩 “谁吃到Wasabi" 游戏时当MC interview参赛者时

从小看到大,我大概习惯了台湾主持人的谈笑风格 - 以挖苦人为乐
因此我在AP house这个汇集世界各地学生的舞台上
往往主持活动都有自己的一套~是每看台湾综艺节目的人所无法模仿的 XD

自己栋的成员有几个会在没人时悄悄称赞我,说主持得好好!good job!
我终于找到我听了会开心的话,那就是 "你说话说得好好"
比起你好帅,更让我开心 ^^



我上学期申请了一个课程-  公文协定特别讲座
是一个很特别的课程,和 公文  (一家教育公司 Kumon )



怎么知道这两天的集训   每天6小时的集训
一直被灌输  "责任,成长,社会人的能力”等等非常典型的日本教育

课程的讲师是  公文有限公司  的职员   末宗先生 Suemune san
无论你说什么做什么,他都有办法称赞你的优点    好厉害!






加上RA6月还有一个大活动World Festival
出动全员AP house住客好像校庆一样的园游会


8月就回去! ^^